Israel Videos

I have uploaded several of the videos that were shot in Israel to be freely accessible on the Good Book Blog:

A Drone at Megiddo

Saul’s Death Near Beth Shean

Gideon’s 300 Men at the Harod Spring

An Israelite Four Room House at Hatzor


I have spoken on a variety of podcasts about my book The Destruction of the Canaanites.

God, Genocide, and Biblical Interpretation (Think Biblically Podcast: 2022)

Old Testament Theology, Isaiah’s Metaphors, and Canaanite Genocide: A Conversation with Brittany Kim and Charlie Trimm (OnScript Podcast: 2022)

God, Genocide, and Biblical Interpretation (Influence Podcast: 2022)

Is the Christian God a Genocidal Bully? (Interview with Sean McDowell: Think Biblically Podcast: 2021)

Is the Christian God a Genocidal Bully? (Interview with Sean McDowell: Sean McDowell’s YouTube channel: 2021)


Biola’s podcast Think Biblically, led by Scott Rae and Sean McDowell, invited me onto the podcast to talk about the imprecatory psalms. The imprecatory psalms are those that call down curses on the enemies of the psalmist.

Curse Our Enemies (Think Biblically Podcast)


Sermons and Chapel Talks

“The Danger of the Gift of Theological Education” was the title of a chapel in 2023 that focused on how theological education can actually cause some problems, but only if we think about theological education incorrectly. This is particularly the case when we think that the primary goal of theological education is to make us experts

I spoke in Biola’s Afterdark chapel about the importance of lament, as well as at Redemption Hill Church.

Praying When You Are Frustrated with God (Biola Afterdark Chapel)

A sermon on Daniel 10 (Redemption Hill Church Sermon)

Living at Peace Essentials: Part 6 (Redemption Hill Church Sermon)

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As part of a series on the temple and how it relates to Christians today, I was invited to preach on the destruction of the temple at Redemption Hill. Although the focus of the sermon was the destruction of the temple in the Old Testament, the picture above shows a model of New Testament Jerusalem and illustrates how the temple dominated the city.

Holiness Matters: The Destruction of the Temple (Redemption Hill Sermon)